Monday, January 5, 2009

day #3: cassandra.

Well, as I said on facebook, I gave the Day 3 workout the stank eye and knocked it out before Will & Grace. I could NOT sleep last night and when Aaron's alarm clock went off around 6:30, I decided to hell with it -- and got up. This is crazy talk, people. I normally sleep in until well...I won't say.

My motivation? I have to work this afternoon so I can't go to any evening classes. That, and I knew you teachers (bless you) were all up, too. So, I ate some oatmeal and headed to Kickboxing.

Workout Summary: 512 calories in 57 minutes and 54 seconds. The class alone took care of about 450 calories, so I got on the eliptical for a few minutes afterward to hit the 500.

How do I feel? I feel great right now. But I've noticed that I always want to "crash" about 200 calories into every workout it seems. I think it's because I go all hardcore at the beginning and then tire myself out. My soreness has let up a bit, but I'm still a little tender in my hamstrings and biceps (those danged push-ups from Day One are still with me)!

Notes: (1) I need, need, need new workout shoes. The ones I have now -- which are about 4 years old, no big deal -- are giving me blisters!! And these are the best ones I have. So yeah. Need new shoes. (2) Also, classes (at least for me) are the way to go. It's hard to quit when you've got 10 other people working out with you. I would recommend that everyone look into your local community center and see what the prices are for classes/membership. I pay $120 for 6 MONTHS (yes, $120 total) and that's unlimited use of the entire facility. Check into it if you're having trouble being motivated.

Good luck, everyone!! And for you teachers -- I know you're tired, but you can do it! And you deserve a crown of jewels for doing what you do, by the way.


  1. for some reason, the comp just deleted what I wrote the first time,so here goes number 2. i plan on joining you guys and being a contributor too, so sign me up! is my email if you need it. i'll post my stats and what nots as soon as i can! yay for getting skinny! :)

  2. Wow, I'm impressed! Way to go. I'm about to do my workout, even though I'm reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally not feeling it.
