Saturday, January 24, 2009

day 17: cassandra

This is from yesterday. Today is a much-needed rest day and for that I am so thankful!

430 calories, 50 minutes
Cardio Dance Party

What the crap?! The day before I burned over 100 more calories in the same class. Huh?!!? I did NOT have it in me to finish out the additional 70 so I called it a day. My accountability partner, Kelly, asked, "Are you suuuuure?" I said, "Yes! I just want to get out of here." She said something like she had to ask because she was my accountability partner. Lol. Thanks, Kel!

I felt:
Gassed. Extremely gassed. My body was crying out for a rest day and I am so glad today is the day! I also NEED to get new shoes. My leg is fine until I start working out and then it is so painful to do anything with my legs, which is causing me to not work as hard. Hence, fewer calories burned. I think I'm gonna go get some new ones today. I just have to.

I wore my watch while I was "at rest" for 15 minutes and it indicated that I burned 25 calories. Just sitting there. Kelly and I did the math and that means that if I just "sit there" for 24 hours, I burn 2,400 calories!!! And that's without exercise. I've reasoned that I am not losing weight (or anything!) because I have not been eating enough food, not taking in enough calories. So make sure you are eating, ladies. If not, your body goes into starvation mode and literally holds onto every, single thing you put in your mouth. You will not lose weight if you do not eat. If I burn 2,400 calories in 24 hours just sitting there and then I workout and burn an additional 500 calories, that's a total of 2,900 calories burned in a 24-hour period! Holy crap! I know I have not NEARLY been eating enough calories to sustain these intense workouts. So, eat up!!!

My recommendation? Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up to jump start that metabolism. Then, do not allow 4 hours to go by until your next meal. Have a snack before dinner, and a snack afterward. And of course, what you eat needs to be reasonably healthy. This is called the "grazing method" and although you feel like you're constantly eating, your body is working that stuff off!! You've gotta eat to lose, they say.

Enjoy your day! And feel better, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm willing to eat more. :) But before you said "healthy snacks", I was getting really excited!!
