Sunday, January 25, 2009

day 16: kelly

Yesterday was a rest day for me, mostly because I was talked into joining Cassandra's schedule, but I also justified by the realization that I DID have three workouts in a row (just over 2 days instead of 3). It was great to rest.

But today we got back on the horse and went to a 'various' class at the gym. It turned out to be a step aerobics class mixed with some resistance band muscle isolation & yoga ball ab work. At first we thought it was going to be a 'joke' of a class, but quickly realized that 'Mike' was serious. Straight from the 80's and focused on ensuring everyone was 'doing okay!'. It was rough, but we got it done and it's now over with! Yay.

Cardio Mush Pot
57 minutes
715 calories (don't know how that happened, but OKAY! :))

I feel:
Like this aerobic type of exercise just isn't cutting it. I think I may start some weight training on the side either before or after our aerobic activities. "They" say that with aerobic activity, your body will continue burning calories for another 2 hours or so. But with weight training, you muscles are 'built' and continue to burn calories for up to 48 hours after one workout. Plus, I like the idea of my arm, stomach, and inner-thigh flub becoming hardened. I would love to get my slightly 'cut' arms and shoulders back like they used to be in my fabulous volleyball days. Turns out I was hotter than I knew back then, haha. Oh, the olden days of 135 pounds and a toned body...

Come back to meeeeeeeee!!!! :)

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