Saturday, January 10, 2009

Day 7 (Meredith)

57 min
505 calories

Workout Summary: Today was rough. I ate a bunch of snack foods throughout the day (while watching football), so I wasn't adequately prepared to workout, but I did it anyway. I felt very weak during the workout and I vowed to eat better for tomorrow.

Notes: I haven't been "watching what I eat" at all, really. I think I took the original plan to not drastically change our eating habits to heart and have not worried about what I've been putting into my mouth. I figure now is the time to pay more attention to food, though. It's been a week, I've transitioned into working out, and now I need to step the health quest up a notch to include eating better. So, back to the food diary method I go. That seems to be the only way that works when I try to eat better. When I can see what I'm putting into my body in the form of numbers and percentages, it's much easier for me to say no to the pizza, hamburger, french fries, etc. So, that's the plan. I'm still a member of, so that's what I'll be using to keep track.

I hate that I can't take Sunday off. Blah. However, I am excited to go shopping for some good-for-me food. :)


  1. I am so proud of you Mere- you have had a super rough week- and you have come through for yourself. You deserve a giant pat on the back!!
