Saturday, January 10, 2009

Change of plans (Meredith)

Like Emily, yesterday was a no-go for me. :(

I was very sad about it, but it definitely couldn't be helped. I was visiting my brother in the hospital from 7:00 - 7:00. Two hour drive there and back. Not in the mood or physically able to do much of anything when I returned home (at 9:00). I'm really not trying to make excuses, I promise.

So, I'm going to use yesterday as my "rest day" and workout on Sunday (like Emily!). :)

Also, just by being out of town for one day, I missed a ton of posts! lol. You people are so busy-it's great! I'm so proud of us!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay, we can have our own little motivation party for Sunday. :)
