Monday, January 5, 2009

day :3: emily

50 minutes (bike)
14.9 miles
402 calories burned

146 crunches
100 calories burned
(I got this calculation from this website. I'm assuming it's right, but no way of knowing without my monitor--which shipped today!)

I did NOT want to workout today! It was a long workday at school. We sat through hours of boring meetings and I had to stay later to get my own work done for tomorrow. I moved desks and furniture around, so I'm sure I also burned some calories there. But I worked out after grumbling to myself a bit and I'm glad I did.

I feel good now and I'm already tired. I haven't been sleeping well lately so I hope getting up early + a good early evening workout will help me sleep tonight!


  1. Good for you, Emily! I'm sure moving furniture and whatnot was a workout in and of itself! So glad you kept it going :)

  2. Hard to workout after a long day of work- congrats to you!
