Saturday, May 23, 2009

half marathon training: week 1: tyly.

I really didn't want to run today. I mean I really, really didn't want to. I was up at 6 this morning, and I didn't have to be at my summer school training until 8:30. I told myself over and over to do it then, before the training, but I put it off until after [knowing full well I would completely regret that decision]. As usual, I was right. After my training, I headed straight to Wal Mart for the ingredients to my homemade goods. After that, I made them, had dinner, and made my internet rounds. At that point it was a little after 8 pm, and I had no interest in removing myself from the couch. I really, really considered skipping the run. After a long, hard battle I changed and headed outside -- but not without some kicking, screaming, and basically throwing an all out 2 year old tantrum. Once I got started, I was soooo glad I made myself do it. I knew that would happen. I'm actually pretty happy with how I did! Here's the stats from my Nike+ (which may or may not be 100% accurate, but since I like them, I'm keeping them!):

2.0 miles
10:48/mile average pace

I've always been much happier with my results when I run outside rather than inside. I've heard several people say they're faster outside, and I think that applies to me as well.

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