Sunday, May 31, 2009

calling all runners!

Actually, all athletes.

I'm about to shop for a few items, but before I do, I would like some opinions.
  1. What socks (brand and style) do you use?
  2. What headband (or any head gear) do you use?  I'm tired of wiping sweat off my forehead every 5 seconds.
  3. What rubber bands do you use?  Silly question, but I have thick hair, and I'm constantly having to tighten and redo my ponytails.  I've finally just started using 2 rubber bands at a time, but if you know of a good one, let me know.
  4. If you run with spandex shorts (underneath or as your only shorts), what length have you found works best for you?
  5. Why do people wear the arm sweat bands?  Do people's arms really sweat that much?  I'm not trying to be funny -- I really don't get it!
If there's any other must-have stuff, please let me know!

I had a mini freak-out today while running.  As I was chugging along, I started asking myself, "How am I possibly going to run 13.1 miles?!  If I'm sweating and tired from 2.5, how the heck am I going to conquer 13.1?!  What was I thinking?!"  It wasn't pleasant.

1 comment:

  1. My sis-in-law is a half-marathon runner and has been training for about 10 months or so. She recently found the under-shorts to be something to reduces chaffing and they are proven to hold your muscles tighter so that whatever 'flub' you may have on your legs is held together and gives you better spring in your step. I know she wears them just longer than her Nike running shorts...but that's about it! :)
