Sunday, May 31, 2009

day 60: cassandra

So...the plan was to go swimming and then come back home and Shred. Notsomuch.

I am exhausted!!

I "swam" for 45 minutes and burned 225 calories, according to the Polar watch. But I FEEL like I just ran a marathon!

And I am starving and trying very, very hard to not eat everything in sight...but I wanna.

So it looks like I have to Shred FIRST and then swim and/or run afterward. I am beat and callin' it a freakin' day!


  1. I haven't swam in forever, but I remember the feelings of exhaustion and starvation that it gives you! Especially since I'm a terrible swimmer and spend the entire time trying not to drown! Lol.

    Good for you for getting in a new workout!!

  2. I'm a terrible swimmer, as well. But at least I tried, right?

  3. YES! It's the effort that counts!

    I don't swim as much I as I try not to drown. It's more of a desperate, crazy doggy paddle! :-)
