Sunday, February 8, 2009

This too shall pass. (Meredith)

Well, I have been working out, but I haven't been posting lately. I also have not been following the 3 day on, 1 day off routine. Hmm. I find I like the 1 day on, 1 day off best. Basically, I think I'm on Day 25, but I don't want to post that because I'm not certain.

Therefore, I think I'm going to bow out gracefully from the experiment and cheer you guys on from the sidelines. I'm not sure that my participation is "fair" anymore since I'm not sticking to the routine like you guys are.

That being said, I am still continuing to workout...but on my schedule and by my rules. I have learned that otherwise, it just won't happen.

Good luck, everyone! Thanks for letting me tag along! :D


  1. I'm kind-of with you. I haven't been following the routine to a T, but I'm doing what works for me. And I'm not good at posting regularly and then I have to just try to remember what I've done in the past few days. So, I'm going to finish with my 30 days, but after that I'm just going to go on my own. I'm trying to keep at working out about 5 X a week. I think after the 30 days are up, I'm going to aim at burning around 400 calories a day. That seems to be my perfect number.

    I'll also keep cheering you guys on from the sidelines!

  2. Don't be sad Cass, you helped your friends jump start healthy life styles that will hopefully remain with them for life! :)

  3. No kidding! I would still be avoiding working out if it weren't for you!
