Friday, February 20, 2009

some inspiration.

I watched Spanglish a few weeks ago and the following quote from the movie really struck a chord with me. Why aren't we satisfied with the way we are? I wish society would understand what Christina understands when she says...

American women, I believe, actually feel the same as Hispanic women about weight. A desire for the comfort of fullness. And when that desire is suppressed for style and deprivation allowed to rule, dieting, exercising American women become afraid of everything associated with being curvaceous, such as wantonness, lustfulness, sex, food , motherhood -- all that is best in life.

*Sigh. I want all that is best in life. Why then do I also really want to get rid of these love handles? It just doesn't seem fair that society demands that we NOT enjoy our curves or our womanhood. We were designed to make babies. It's that simple. And when our body doesn't look like that of a 12-year-old boy, we're considered fat. That just doesn't seem quite right in my book.

It also makes me sad that we are afraid to enjoy the things that were intended for us from the very beginning.

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