Thursday, February 12, 2009

day 28: kelly, Lone Ranger

Cardio Dance Party
54 minutes
656 calories

We did 3 new dances tonight so it kept things interesting. One included pom-poms which I thought was kinda funny. I was never a cheerleader, but I always thought I could be one. I'm just SOOO not flexible. I think my metabolism is speeding up a bit because it's taking me less time to hit 500 than at the beginning of this journey. I sure hope it is anyways!

When my husband hugs me from behind, I feel skinny. And I like it. :)

Sad day that I feel like I'm the only one still hanging in there with this. Notice how many entries on this page have my name on them. Haha. I guess now I will have to see how disciplined and self-motivated I can be by myself. Hmmm...sounds like a 'growing' moment. Ugh. :(

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, I'm a loser. I know. Between the sickness and then A's leaving, working out is just so not on my list of priorities. You are NOT alone. I will be going to class on Saturday and Sunday. I promise. Scouts honor. I just need a day or two recuperate. I feel like I've been run over by a truck...or better yet a big blue bus that took my man away at 6:15 this morning :(
