Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Holy Crap!...Day 40: Kelly

I ACTUALLY did what I said I might do and I went and worked out at the gym today. Yay for me! :)

18:30 minutes on treadmill (run & walk)
Weight-training with machines
Ab-work on the ball
44 minutes
460 calories

I decided that I am no longer going to push myself to and beyond the 500 calories mark. It adds extra stress to my workouts, so I'm stopping that. I think I'm just going to workout until I feel like I am tired, but not completely fatigued. Then I will leave happier and have a higher chance of not being so sore and coming back the next day for another round. I guess I will continue to keep up with my workouts on here, because, well, I'm bored and I might as well. Feel free to jump back in everyone, or at least give an occasional update on your doings! :)

Here's to trying to jump back on the Health Wagon! :)

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I am going to try to start working out this weekend or next week, for sure.
