Wednesday, April 22, 2009

30 day shred, day 4: tyly.

After far too much cookie cake today, I really pushed it!  

Cookie cake debacle aside, I don't want to just complete this; I want to push myself and make the most of it.  Sure, I can do all 30 days while taking it easy, but the only person I'd be hurting is myself.  I want to be able to see and feel a difference after the 30 days!

Today I made sure my knee touched the floor during every static lunge, I was deep in every squat, I pushed for extra push-ups, etc.  I really challenged myself, and I'm proud.  My legs hurt more now than they did after day 2, but I know it's because I have been pushing myself more and more each time.  I am going to do level 1 again tomorrow, but I may switch to level 2 on Friday.  If I don't switch on day 5, then I won't do it until day 10.  I'm just weird like that!

I love that the workout is so short, because no matter what circuit you're on, you can always tell yourself, "It's almost over!"  Haha.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. That's so true! It's so much easier to push myself because I know there's not much left!
