Friday, September 18, 2009

sharing the wealth (of knowledge).

My Brand New You class was great even though I was the only one there not in uniform (hehe).

I actually learned a LOT and he did for me everything I was hoping: Laid out a nutrition/diet plan, a workout plan, and told me about how many calories I should eat a day. And get this -- it's 1800-2000! YES! I am SO OVER starving myself! Vulture is not a good look for me after the starvation gets old.

I would be happy to offer you my wealth of knowledge via email if you're interested. Just ask! For now, here are some tidbits I learned and plan to apply soon (but not tonight because it's Bunko Night ((translation: Margaritas and cupcakes and all things gluttonous)), but soon. I promise).
  • I get to eat 1800-2000 calories a day. Have I mentioned how excited that makes me?
  • When I do cardio, I only need to burn 300 calories, not a million.
  • The Arc Trainer is actually the best machine for burning fat in the entire gym. Interestingly, this is the one machine that I've ignored for years. Stupid!
  • My new diet will consist of protein, dairy, fruit, veggies, fats, carbs (yes, carbs), and supplements/snacks in the form of protein shakes, Slim Fast, and Carnation Instant Breakfasts. Yum!
  • I just may be slightly lactose intolerant. I am going to buy dairy enzymes at Walmart sometime this weekend. Ever notice that you get bloated after you consume dairy? I do. You might want to consider these capsules. You take them WITH the dairy. I can't wait to see if this is the culprit for my ever-present pooch of bloatness.
  • And the BEST part of this new eating plan? He advised that we allot 150 calories a day to...JUNK! Yes, junk! What a sweet relief! He said if we deprive ourselves of those particular goodies, we become ravenous vultures and end up eating 10 pounds of chocolate cake in one sitting. Not cute. He said his "junk" each day is a can of Dr Pepper. I am so loving this new concept.
I plan on kick-starting this on Monday and/or Tuesday. I always feel super motivation whileThe Biggest Loser is on, don't you? I feel like if they can do it, I can do it.

So here we go!

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